giovedì 30 marzo 2017


Pancake Day

Pancake Day or Shove Thursday is a festivity celebrated in UK,Ireland ,Canada and New Zeland .Pancake Day is celebrated the day before Ash Wednesday .In this day you can eat pancakes as they want because on the day after Ash Wednesday start the fast.More countries that celebrate this festivity organize a race of cook ,the first who prepare a perfect pancake as run win and in Canada too,the cook puts a ring or coin in the pancakes ,the person who find the coins will be rich and the person who find the ring will be the next to get married .In America not so well know .America are more familiar with Mardi Gras

giovedì 2 marzo 2017


Carnival is a festivity celebrated in Catholic Countries .The festivity hasn't a specific date ,it comes the day before Ash Wednesday .On Ash Wednesday Lent starts .It's 40 days before Easter .During Lent Christians fast to wait the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.In the past Carnival was the day when people removed meat,en fact in Latin "Carnevale" is Carnem:meat and Levare.remove .Now it is a festivity celebrated in public places as cities streets or squares .People usually wear a mask or costume .This festivity is very popular among children,because they love to wear costumes of their heroes or they launch confetti or streamers and they have fun.In the afteroon almost all the cities organize a show of  floats.The most famous Italian Carnival is Venice or Viareggio

Describe a picture

In this picture there are four people , maybe there are a family . In the middle there is the father with his daugther , and on the left there are the mother with her son . They are in the beach and behind there is the sea and in the background there is a clear sky . The mother is wearing a dress , sun glasses and a bag . The father is wearing a t-shirt and a short . The son is wearing a t-shirt and swimsuit and the daugther is wearing a small dress . Maybe the family are on holiday end they seen very happy.